Dochlaggie Kennel Visit Page 3, published May,2002 edition of the Pomeranian Reader.
I had better explain what “Royal” shows are. In Australia each state has one major prestigious show each year.These are called “Royal” Show’s ,They are agricultural shows with horses, cattle, goats, birds, cats, sewing , cakes, on display.The Royal Melbourne Show being Australia’s largest and most prestigious event in the show calendar
Another wonderful Pomeranian that I must mention is Multi BISS Champion Nayola Rufina. Rufina was not bred here at Dochlaggie, but bred from a Champion Dochlaggie Defender daughter .
During her show career Rufina won 3 Specialty Best in Shows
1 R/u Specialty Best in Show
1 Best opposite Sex in Specialty Show
Rufina won the bitch challenge at Australia’s largest show-the Royal Melbourne Show 1992,1993,1994,1995,1996 – twice taking R/U Best Exhibit in Group.
For a short period , in the 1990’s ,we had a couple of international shows in Australia, offering CACIB’s.Rufina is the only Pomeranian to have been awarded 3 CACIB’s in Australia and the only Pomeranian bitch to have been awarded CACIB’s in Australia.
I bred Rufina once to Paddockwood Regal Asset , and have a very nice daughter here, but Rufina needed a caesar, refused to have anything at all to do with the puppy and was terribly upset about the whole motherhood bit! So I didn’t try to bred her again.
Rufina then went to live the life of a true princess with my neighbour , who spoils and dotes on Rufina.
A full sister to Champion Domino- Ch. Dochlaggie Does It Again was waiting in the wings. Does it Again quickly made her presence felt in the show ring . Winning Best of Breed at the Royal Melbourne Show and R/u Best in Specialty Show.
I have a great love for the “colored” Pomeranian. I bred whites, cream sables, wolf sables, black and tans,beavers, parti colors, and blacks as well as the usual oranges and orange sables.
In 1984 I imported a white stud dog from the U.K.This dog was also a grandson of English Champion Hadleigh Summer Lightning, but 8 generations back on both sides of the pedigree there is a white South African import.
I only had a few litters from this boy before I lost him tragically to a spider bite. A cream bitch imported from the u.k., had just whelped 2 whites males to this stud before I lost him, so I was able to carry on the white line.My whites are bred from wolf sables, so are white because of the chinicalla gene causing extreme fading. After many years working with these colors[ whites, wolf sables and cream sables] I feel the same gene produces the 3 colors , it is just the depth of this gene that decides whether the Pomeranian will be white, wolf sable or cream sable.
As I am the only breeder of white Pomeranians here in Australia, I have had to outcross my whites to other colors , then inbred back to the whites to keep the color, which is a slow process.Cream or Wolf sable appears to be the best color to use as an outcross. These colors have marvellous jet black pigmentation. I have found white babies have great pigmentation as youngsters, but this often fades as they get older.
As well as being the dam of Champion Dochlaggie Domino, Aust,Sing.& N.Z.BISS Champion Dochlaggie Deity and Champion Dochlaggie Does it Again, and many champion grandchildren – Irret Georgie Girl a stunning cream girl, [ who also goes back 8 or 9 generations to the white south African import into the U.K.] is also behind our whites, being the dam of the first litter of whites produced here at Dochlaggie.
I have only shown the white Pomeranians a few times. Dochlaggie Devils Snow was Best baby Puppy in Show at a Specialty and Dochlaggie Snow Sorcerer was Reserve dog at a Specialty at his first and only outing. Snow Sorcerer is a stunning Pomeranian in any color, but being white makes him very special. Unfortunately Snow Sorcerer was ready to be shown at the same time I was doing major renovations to my home and I was unable to spend enough time training him or get to many shows.