We have placed this Testimonial Page at the request of our clients. Many thanks to everyone who has become a part of the Dochlaggie family for your loyal support and friendship. Dochlaggie owners who would like to place a photo and a short testimonial on this page may contact me via the Contact Dochlaggie Page.
“ Your breeding is excellent. Jet is an amazing looking dog excellent confirmation and a delightful balanced temperament . We are stopped in the street ALL the time asking where we got her from. We see such poor examples of Pomeranian breeding all the time . Your breeding highlights how inferior and incorrect the standard of many other breeders are. Again we are so happy we chose Dochlaggie for purchase of our delightful Pom. Regards Dr Natasha Cook ”
” Hi Denise,
Just wanted to say a big thank you for letting us have Monte as a part of our family. He is clever, cheeky, egocentric, cuddly and completely lovable. We get stopped for chats all the time when out walking. He is wonderful with our young daughter, and very protective of us, regardless of his size! Your post puppyadvice and support group is also invaluable to us.
Tanya, Joey, Sienna and Monte. ”
“Hello Denise, Thank you for providing our Pomeranian Pup. We have had our little “Fur Baby” for around 4.5 months now (he is currently 7 months old) & love him greatly. He is a very healthy little ball of energy & loves running along the floating pontoons of the marina where our yacht is berthed. He is quite intelligent & has a distinct personality all his own. He gets on well with visitors & while he will bark at people walking past our boat on the marina, as soon as they are invited on board he accepts them & is quite friendly & happy to play with them. Everyone who sees him says how gorgeous he is.
We purchased a “Puppy Potty” tray & taught him to use this to relieve himself, he learn’t fairly quickly & is now fully “boat trained”. Denise, you were great to deal with & always very helpful, including any follow up questions we had after puppy came to live with us. As we do not live in Victoria, our puppy had to be transported to us. You arranged to fly him to us & all went very smoothly.” Michael.
“Dochlaggie babies, and the family members of Dochlaggie is unbelievable. I am blown away with their continued love, support and constant communication we have with each other on facebook It really is like a one big, happy family, and i found this so heartwarming and reassuring. We brought our boy Robin home and he has brought so much happiness and unconditional love into our home with his quirky, cuddly, and playful personality. We are so so unbelievably happy” Di, Sydney
” Hi Denise just wanted to say how happy we are with our dochlaggie kids ,cameo has the most beautiful nature and her darling boy nikko is such a joy. They love us all unconditionally but differently we couldn’t imagine what life was like before we got them , cameo will sit for hours and let you pat and cuddle her then give you the look to say that’s not enough ,were as nikko only has his special times that you can hug and kiss him hes very manly lol or tries to be, they are both very protective of us and think they are bigger than they are . We would highly recommend that if anyone is looking to buy a pommie baby or adult to speak to you first ,because even though you sell your loved fur ones to us you still want to be part of there lives and help us however you can .What I love myself about being part of the dochlaggie family is that you have helped me to make a family tree for my fur babies complete with photos going back generations Love Dianne Peter Chavez”.
” Hi Denise, I got my Dochlaggie Pomeranian home in February 2013, and in a matter of hours he was settled in. I have never met someone who loves life as much as this little man. Everything is love at first sight for him, he loves people and animals (especially ducks!), walks in the park, paddles in the lake, cuddles in bed, grooming, trees, smells, chasing leaves and everything else under the sun! He has made a home in my heart, and he will stay there forever. I am always so thankful to be a part of the Dochlaggie family. I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive, caring breeder. Love always, Belinda”
“Hi Denise,
I bought a Pomeranian from you last year, (Bambi – who I renamed Beaker – you sent her up to me in Sydney)..Anyway, a photographer asked if she could photograph Beaker and me because, apparently, we look similar. I’ll let you be the judge of that! But I thought I would send you a couple of shots anyway so you can see how beautiful and loved she is. Just the most adorable little girl. Everyone absolutely loves this dog, she has the most beautiful gentle temperament. I’m quite in love with her.Hope you enjoy the photos! Best regards, Justine.”
“Sooooo happy picked up my gorgeous Toffi from Denise today he is settling in tonight I will update more pics over the next couple of weeks thank you so much Denise lovely seeing you and Noel today I’m so happy . Just thought you would like to know Denise .Toffi has been absoloutly perfect ! .He Slept all night went on his wee pads!! and today enjoyed cuddles from my grandchildren I’m so happy. He is bringing smiles to us all and hasn’t barked once at delivery guys Do you think he has turned over a new leaf HA !! love him to bits. I would really like to say Denise that he is the most loving little man and how much happiness he is giving me he is such great company for me now that I am living on my own I couldn’t be more happy with my Dochlaggie baby I Am so blessed that I found such a genuine and lovely breeder as yourself I love Toffi to bits he is just so easy to love I could write a book hA I could write a book about how happy Toffi has made me I really can’t thank you enough hugs Cheryle. ”
“Dear Denise, I just wanted to let you know how Marsha, who I bought from you about 3 years ago, is going. She is very bossy and cheeky and happy and adores my baby girl who is now about to turn 2. The relationship is mutual and I must say I could not have wished for a better doggy companion – she is so proud and protective and we love her to bits. Little dog has fitted into our lives like a hand into a glove. it was fate completely. She laughs a lot, running and barking for joy. She sleeps with me and guards me and we adore her. Thank you so much for this dog!! Lots of good luck and Happiness to you and your beautiful Poms. Michaela ”
“Sometimes it’s the smallest things that take up the most room in your heart” My most beautiful Dochlaggie kids . Jen. ”
“Hi Denise,
We are all the family filled with admiration for the puppies so cute. Thus all the familly and me thank you for giving us this happiness.Tomorrow I will fix an air conditionning for their new bedroom with the 2 others :Chui and Canelle; there is now a good cohabitation ,better than yesterday.I send to you the pictures of my new fisrt flight officers on board the flight Tn1012 bound to Tahiti, during a relax cruising flight, Dalia and Wayne so relax after a little caviar snack.Once again many,many thanks for all, we kiss you Denise and say hello to Adam.
Cheers Alex .” ( Tahiti )